Friday, March 21, 2008

Funk Fanatico

im addicted to writing movie scenes that I plot out in my head. I'll be doing a special on a couple upcoming movies in the near future, but here's one more scene till then, in a new series "Funk Fanatico" Btw, I was thinking about it for awhile and realized cities that allow Super heroes must be affiliated with capital punishment, cause those heroes are allowed to murder so many people. Heath Ledger didnt deserve it batman and neither did september 11th.

Funk Fanatico

Yits lines up behind a large crowd at thee "All out Fighting competition of the Sherwood community".

Looking around at all the people, he notices familiar faces, such as his neighbor Mr.Watts who is dressed in a full tight black suit, or Mrs.Carol, his 8th grade teacher, who is war screaming in preperation. Some of his friends are there too, but further ahead in line, so he doesn't move up and risk losing his spot, even though everyone gets entered.

The fighting competition takes place every year in the neighborhood community hall gymnasium, to find out who is the toughest and most respected of the sherwooders, with the winner usually walking away with a stick of ham and a couple of free movie tickets/game rentals.

Usually about 40 people take part in the competition per year from 6 year old boys to stray dogs, but this year, Sherwood had its outside commune thomsville join in, raking in an extra 17 people.

Yits ponders around in line, wondering if he should do this, only to look ahead and realize he is next to sign up. Up at the front there is a very large hairy man sitting at the booth with a couple pieces of paper and an evil tatoo on his face. Yits backs up slowly in fear before he bumps into a man in a radish costume and is pushed forward all the way up to the counter. The man looks up and begins to speak in a low growling voice.

Mulrey-You here for the sign up?

Yits- yeah.....I guess so..

Mulrey- Name?

Yits- Yits Rasinburry

Mulrey- Age?

Yits- 18

Mulrey- Weapon?

Yits- wait wait, we're allowed weapons?

Mulrey- You bet your titties we are.

Yits- oh god.......umm alright well.......axe?

Mulrey- axe? alright axe it is. Now tell me Yits, how many skills are you?

Yits- How many skills am I? What do you mean by that? Do you mean what skills do I have?

Mulrey- No you fuck on fire, how many skills are you?

Yits- I dunno..? 3? I am 3 skills?

Mulrey- Are you kidding me? You are 3 skills?

Yits- Well I dont know, how many skills are you?

Mulrey- I am the skills that kills

Yits- Whats that?

Mulrey- Well it means that I hold the sole crystal power of Gixnaxmi, allowing me to crush my foes with the easiests of manuvers, both embarresing them, and making me more powerful.

Yits- I'm not sure what all that means, but just put me down as "skills that kills" too

Mulrey- Two kills huh? I can't wait to finally doom my long awaited rival.

Yits- You arent going to hurt me are you?

Mulrey- Oh im gonna cut your fuckin head off


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